Sunday, May 4, 2014

Coming to the news on May 5th

I don't know if this will actually get seen by anyone in Norway early enough for them to see a live feed but tomorrow, Monday May 5th, NRK will air a news report on my on-going, now 3.5 year fight for authorization as a nurse and midwife in Norway.

The case will be aired on NRK radio, there will be two print versions available on in both English and Norwegian, and a report will be on NRK evening news--first on the local Østnytt and hopefully on the national Dagsrevyen.

I will post links as soon as they are available.

In the meantime, our fingers are crossed.


  1. Hi Emily, I came across an article on about your long and disheartening struggle with getting your overseas qualification approved in Norway. I just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing your story publicly, and for having the courage to fight the system. Wishing you all the best!
    Kind Regards,
    Liv Ahie

  2. I cant believe you are still having to experience all this crap Emily. I feel for you and watching the clip online really made me shed a tear when I think back to my struggles with the UDI. Thankfully for me that's over now but you are struggling and fighting. I take my hat off to you Emily that you still have the energy and fight for the right to work as a midwife in Norway. You go girl! x

  3. Hello,
    If you are still struggling with the authorisation process, maybe you could try to get your diploma authorised in Sweden. In case this is news to you... A diploma authorised in Sweden,means that it is automatically authorised in Norway as well.
    All the best,
